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Kevin Kendall has been in the chemical cleaning supply industry for more than 30 years. His knowledge spans every facet of the business, including manufacturing, blending, packaging, shipping, sales and trade shows.


Kevin began working for K&K Chemical as a young teenager. His father Ken, who owned the company, made sales while Kevin learned how to run the plant. After mastering the in-house business, Kevin started meeting with customers and making sales. Kevin acquired a loyal customer base through years of tenacious work and dedication.


East Texas Supply began in January of 2014. Kevin decided to start the company as an independent distributor after K&K Chemical sold to a new owner.


Kevin is taking his extensive knowledge of the industry, and applying it to providing high quality products, competitive pricing and unmatched customer service.

EAST TEXAS SUPPLY • Malakoff, TX  ©2018  [ CONTACT US ]